Monday, May 19, 2014


This is a picture of a customer and a sails associate in the cosmetics department. Interaction talks about the power word of mouth and peer influence has in the market place. for example costumer service effects the market place so much, because a lot of merchandise that are sold is because of great customer service, since the sails associates have times and times again changed a customers mind and made them buy something completely different than what they wanted in the first place. This picture is a great example of how interaction effects the market place.

Cultural Capital

Cultural capital are non financial social assets that help us humans move up in social mobility. For example education is one of them. This is a picture of the books in my room, its showing how I believe education will make me more educated in society and would give me a good place in this world therefor education definitely would place me in a higher social class.

Cultural Hegemony and Consumerism

Consumerism talks about how we all have these insatiable beliefs that we think we need what we don't have. One example is the fact that in todays world, our self worth is determined by how we look like (being sexy and beautiful according to what society thinks beauty is). Just like the picture Ive posted of the before and after pictures of a model thats been airbrushed, She was beautiful before being air brushed and looking like a stick figure that is not really her. This can be a good example of consumerism. Some other examples can be the fact that we think shopping completes us or how we care so much about what brand we wear, for example people think burberry is such a big deal, but to be completely honest its nothing more than a name which has become big because society made it that way.


Culture isn't something you can see or feel, its a product of human inventions, it is socially constructed and its agreed by a large number of people within the same culture. The woman in this picture are my mom's friends and they are all Indian so their culture is Indian, they all celebrate their cultural holidays and speak the same languages.


This is a picture of one of my cousins with her boyfriend. They've been living together for six years and aren't planning on getting married anytime soon. 8% of households are filled with couples that are romantically involved but aren't married. Living together without getting married is called cohabitating.


In some countries, the law and system of marriage allows men to have more than one wife. The system that allows men to have multiple wives is called polygyny. One of these countries is Saudi Arabia.

Instrumental Tasks

This is a picture of my kitchen sink. Washing the dishes is considered an Instrumental task because its part of the physical tasks that we need to do in order to maintain a family life. Instrumental tasks are what we call these physical tasks that are necessary.


Both of these pictures show marriages in their own social class, the first one is my aunt and uncle who married in their own social class (middle class). The bottom picture is Blake Lively and her husband which are both part of the upper class and have married in their own social class category. 
Marriage within one's social group (includes race, class, education, etc.) is called endogamy.


Kin refers to relatives, people who are related to you by blood (common decent). This is a picture of my aunt and her daughter (my cousin). Since we are related by blood, our relationship would be a kinship relationship (by blood).


This is another picture of my friend and her girlfriend at home coming. They won homecoming King and Queen. Homosexual is another word for gay which is referring to individuals that are attracted to their same sex.


This is a picture of one of my friends and her girlfriend. A lot of people have issues with gay people showing each other effect ion. Just like the picture on the right is showing us, those people can't stand the idea of homosexual. Homophobia is referred to the dislike/fear  of an individual towards homosexuals in general.


Feminism refers to the movement around the idea that there should be equality between the sexes (politically, economically etc.). Oprah shows the world how woman can be just as powerful as men. This magazine cover of her on her own magazine shows exactly what the Feminism movement is talking about. Oprah is one of the most powerful woman on earth.


Us humans learn how to behave through the media, without knowing it. This is a picture of my sister watching t.v. T.v alone shapes the way we think and act more than we know. In the movie that my sister is watching, these three good-looking high school boys are the popular bad boys of their high school. The media times and times over again, ends up showing the audience that when guys are good looking they are bad boys and they get the good innocent girls. This was the same message that movie was giving my sister who was watching it.


I am a female. Human's are biologically divided into two categories, female and male. We call this our sex therefore my sex is female.

Pluralism (Multiculturalism)

This is my friend who is originally indian but has grown up in America. She embraces her culture and its traditions but at the same time lives in America and respects their traditions as well. According to my description, America is a multicultural country.
Another good example for Multiculturalism is china town. (I took this picture when I was in San Francisco) Which is a place that allows people from that culture, express their culture and live the way they would have if they were in their own home town (in this case china).

Cultural Assimilation

This is a picture of my cousin at prom. She is originally persian and is going to prom. In Iran the prom culture doesn't exist, but since she is living in America, the dominant culture is American culture, therefor my cousin which is persian, adapts to the American culture and goes to prom. This is a good example for cultural assimilation, because it is showing how the minority group adopts to the dominant group's culture.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Minority Group

This kind of cover up(hijab) is called "chador" and is famous in the muslim religion. If someone were to dress like this in America and apply for a job at a retail store vs. someone else without a hijab applying for the same job, I assure you the woman with the chador is less likely to get the job. My example shows that people with a hijab would be the minority group in America, and the reason is that the dominant group of Americans don't cover their hair because it isn't in their culture. The minority group is denied the same access to power and resources compared to the dominant group.

Symbolic Ethnicity

The Persian new year is called Eid, and in my culture the adults give the kids money as presents for the new year. My family friend in this picture is originally from london, but they attend our Persian new years every year and are included in the money giving and food and gifts etc, even though they aren't Persian. What they do on this day each year is called symbolic ethnicity.


This is a picture of my friend, her ethnicity is Persian. Being Persian is a socially defined thing that is based on the language someone speaks and other cultural factors like religion and nationality. My friend here is from Iran and speaks Farsi which is the language that everyone speaks in Iran.

Lower Class

I usually study at Starbucks, and Ive recently heard about a Mother and Son that I see often when I'm there. They sleep in their car at nights and only have one pair of clothes that I always see them wearing. The Mother works at a high school cafeteria, she would be considered lower class when it comes to social classes. Lower class contains the 20% of our countries population that usually don't have a high level of education.

Social Mobility

This is a picture of my uncles store in Tulsa. Growing up, his family wasn't part of the upper class therefore he too wasn't. But when he graduated from high school, he attended college and got his degree, then he set up this business which is now a success. Today he is part of the upper social class and has five stores in different cities. He moved from lower class to upper class in his family. People moving within social classes is called social mobility.

Upper Class

Oprah is part of the 1% wealthiest people upper class people in america, she now has a network called the Oprah network and this is a picture I took from her website. The upper social class contains most of the wealth of our country.

Social Stratification

On the left theres a picture of Blake Lively modeling for channel, she isn't a millionaire but she has money and class and is placed in a high social class category. The girl in the right picture however, is on an advertisement for prostitutes to become a "sugar baby" instead. She is pretty just like Blake Lively but the difference is that she probably doesn't have the money Blake Lively does, otherwise she wouldn't be on the sugar baby advertisement therefor the girl on the right is placed in a lower social class category. This is an example of how class and money can cause social stratification in society resulting in dividing people into different social groups.


In Delhi-India, there is a huge gap between the reach and poor, the reach area is called New-Delhi and the poor area, Old-Delhi. People from the poor area aren't aloud to go to New-Delhi. This is an example of inequality in a society because people have unequal access to resources. This is a picture of a girl that lives in the Old-Delhi part of Delhi.


Deterrence is the idea that if there's a severe punishment, people won't commit the crime. In dubai, the law states that if anyone commits a crime such as stealing, the government cuts off that persons arm. This law scares everyone to not commit a crime, therefore the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has become one of the safest countries in the world all thanks to the deterrence that exists there.

Property Crime

A car crash is a good example for property crime. Just like its name states, its a crime without any violence involved.


This is a screen shot of some crimes that have been recently committed. All of these articles, are about people who have violated a norm and violating a norm is called "crime".

Physical Stigma

This is a picture of a handicap sign. Being handicapped is a stigma because even though people don't admit it, people still tend to look down on people who have physical flaws and the reason is, because for example, people who are on a wheelchair, don't have the same abilities as someone who can walk without difficulty. A physical or mental stigma is called a physical stigma.


The woman in this picture, has a social attribute because she is homeless and doesn't have anyone to take care of her. She isn't part of human's normal daily interactions, therefor this picture is a good example of a stigma.

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

This is a picture from disney land. Walt disney was someone who definitely believed in the self fulfilling prophecy, because he truly believed that he would make it and achieve his dream. He had a clear vision of what he wanted to do and because of that, he succeeded. He is one of the most successful human beings ever lived and most people today know his name.

Conflict Theorist

This is a picture of a guy who plays instruments at the promenade at nights. I don't know if he's homeless or what else he does for a living. But I know that, if the police wanted him to go away from where he's standing in the picture, they could easily remove him. He has no one to defend him therefore  the police that has much more power than he does, can easily bother him and tell him to leave if the store owners around him or others complain. This is also shows conflict theory, because the police has more power than the guy who is playing instruments, therefore they would be able to bother him for whatever reason they want.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


If you look closely, you would see the reflection of me and my family on our T.V screen. We are four people in my family, my mom and dad, my sister and me. Family is the most effective and only significant agent in socialization in every society. Our families are what teach us our values and norms and they shape the person we become.


This is a picture of the DMV which is designed to perform their job efficiently. The DMV seems very dehumanized and thats because its a bureaucracy.


A triad is a group that contains three people. A triad is stronger than a dyad because if one person from the group leaves, two still remain and the group would still exist unlike a dyad since if one person goes away in a dyad then the group would no longer exist. This is a picture of three best friends that make a triad.


This is a picture of, a picture of a couple. A dyad is the smallest social group and it only consists of two people, therefor a couple or two best friends would be good examples for a dyad.

Friday, May 16, 2014


This is a picture of a few people waiting in line. They all share the same location but they don't have lasting relationships, this is also the definition of the term aggregate.


This is a picture of a self checkout at Ralph's. These self checkout machines are showing the spread of bureaucracy and the increase in dehumanization and efficiency. This picture is a great example of what the term Mcdonaldization means.

Feeling Rules

This is a picture at Coachella which is a music festival that happens every year. Its very famous and the tickets are expensive. People attend Coachella to have fun and enjoy their weekend at a fun event. Therefor being happy in a music festival would be a good example for feeling rules, because at a music festival you would expect people to be happy not sad, the way they would be at a funeral.

Achieved Status

This girl works at a coffee shop and she wasn't born with that status, she achieved it through applying for the job and getting an interview and passing the requirement for that company. Therefor according to all I have said, her serving coffee is an achieved status.

Ascribed Status

Prince William and his son (Prince George), both have been born in the royal family, therefor they haven't achieved the Prince status. A status that you are born with is an ascribed status.

Mass Media

This is a picture of Rihanna on instagram. She has a lot of pictures of herself smoking weed and since she's a celebrity in the mass media, she is showing viewers and all her fans that smoking weed is ok. She is also encouraging her viewers to act the way she acts or for them to do the things she does through the pictures she posts and etc. This shows how much the mass media has an effect on  how our society thinks and sees things.


Students would be considered a subculture. This picture is a picture of some students in a chemistry class.

Counterculture and Subculture

This picture is showing us a group of bikers, they travel together everywhere with their bikes and I usually see them in the afternoons or at nights on my way home from school. They are a group in society that have different lifestyles and openly reject the society's norms. Some bikers are called outlaw bikers and they can be dangerous to society. According to my description, a group of outlaw bikers would be considered a counterculture. However these bikers in the picture I took, are considered in the subculture category because even though they have different values and norms and lifestyles, they still exist  and are accepted in our society.

Glass Escalator

Victoria's Secret is a store for woman, and since I know the people that work there, A few men work in the beauty department. I never thought that a man would work there but what is surprising is that, the manager of the beauty department is always a man. This shows us how men rise high in female dominated businesses which is the definition of glass escalator.


In Iran it is the norm for women to wear scarves and cover your hair and body in public (because the law of the islamic republic states so). If woman were to wear scarves and chadors (chador is what the two ladies on the right are wearing) in America, people would definitely look twice because its not the norm in American culture.


In american culture, thumbs up means good job and in general has a positive meaning but in persian culture, thumbs up has the same meaning the middle finger has in american culture. This shows how gestures have different meanings in different cultures.


This is a picture of a stop sign which is just a stick with a red sign on it saying stop but in society it is known that whenever your driving and you reach this sign, you must stop, look around to see if cars are coming, and then go.